Shift negative brain patterns from self-hatred to self acceptance.
Move your grooves.

You can discover what I call your “grooves”; the old patterns and beliefs that are engrained in your head and define who you are. You can change your story.

The Move Your Grooves Program

Sabine Jakobs Author and Coach Photo

Sabine Jakobs, Author & Life Coach

Even to this day at times I struggle with what my purpose is in this one beautiful life. I’ve given myself away in so many pieces, how do I integrate all of me back?

Do you ever feel that way? Like if one more “guru” tells you to find your passion, you will hurt someone! 

What if you’re so depleted from life there is no f***ing passion?

What if you’re just scared all the time? Anxious about what’s next?

It is so hard to define what you’re passionate about when you have no clue as to who you really are.

You can discover what are you passionate about once you find yourself.

You can shift from self-doubt, self-hatred to a place where you have permission to choose what you want. A dance floor of self-love in which you choose to be the dancer in the dance.

To move your groove is about that pause. It’s untethering you from the belief systems that keep you small and wounded. It’s redefining who you are, and what your real truths are. It’s healing what happened to you, unearthing the suffocation of your past. It pauses the haunting question of what is wrong with me.

I mastered the art of being big enough not to be trampled upon, yet small enough to remain unseen, never belonging anywhere for any length of time. Do you ever feel that way?

I discovered that my auto-response choices stemmed from anxiety, depression, fear, shame and guilt. Love for myself was never in the mix. 

Wait One Moment – awareness comes in the pause.

Untethering is all about discovery, contemplating, reckoning, acceptance, with love and compassion for your own battles of unworthiness.

It’s integrating all the wounded parts of you, finding harmony in the dance of the ego with the soul. Do you feel worthy of love?

So will you dance with me and…

  • Accept that healing isn’t linear, it’s not a step-by-step process.

  • Know that those damn emotions won’t listen to logic; the triggers are eminent.

  • Stay curious.

  • Crave forgiveness instead of blame.

  • Allow the ego to accept the soul.

  • Accept the newest version of yourself as you continually move your grooves.

  • Embrace that transformation requires change, and that change requires growth.

  • Consent to the growing pains that healing requires, submerging to the grief, while gracefully resolving the pain.

  • Do the work, ask for help, and use as many tools as you can.

  • Be mindful of what you are focused on – wait one minute.

  • Recognize that the healing journey is lifelong; it is not to a physical place.

  • Allow yourself the mindful connection to yourself and the Divine being that you are - the one that never left you.

Do this discovery with me and no longer be defined by your past. We can be in the present moment.

We find peace and joy when we let go of who we were supposed to be, what we should be, and accept where we are, right this moment. We have enough, we do enough, we are enough.

Remember and relearn that you are love, loving and lovable. You were born that way, even if you don’t always see it, or feel it. It’s the one full truth I know.

Dance with me, untethered, as we move our grooves.