Tethered to the Mosh Pit Dance Floor
The Mosh Pit Dance Floor is the stage of life for existence. Living, not alive. The grooves in our mind are set, the dance is automatic.
This dance floor swarms with unwholesome bodies originating from a past of pain, neglect, abuse, and trauma. Emerged in the noise avoiding pain from the sounds of silence.
This is survival, unconscious of the reasons why. We stay tethered to the past, fearful of life and change. We respond based upon our worldview established through an unsuspecting lens. As young children we take on, take in, and own the beliefs and lies of others.
They define our roles, our personality. We mold ourselves into who they think we should be. We construct our core values unconscious of the truth:
We are born from love, unconditionally loving and loveable.
The Mosh Pit validates unworthiness, brokenness. Damaged. Self-hatred rules.
Corpses of innocence spearheaded by shame and unworthiness. A community of misfits victimized by self-hatred and self-neglect. Thriving by being passed down from generation to generation.
I remained unseen. I was dirty. I felt nothing. Darkness.
The empire of shame and unworthiness built my Mosh Pit, submerging my true essence under the lies. The grooved patterns in my mind, clearly defined and engrained by a repetitive script written and bestowed by sexual predators and betrayals. In my own mother’s words, “I am God’s punishment.”
Absorbing and becoming the lies of the script proved I was unlovable. Creating the appearances warranted by others destroyed any fragments of light.
I spent most my life tethered to this place.
Do you identify with the Mosh Pit Dance Floor?
It’s in the pain of today we find the courage to untether from our past.